n order to maintain contact with our existing customer, but also to gain new partners, we are represented at various fairs. Fairs and other events are also the best option to stay at the ravages of time in the constantly evolving care market.
We report on our past events and their upcoming ones and take the opportunity to get to know us at one of the events.
Here is an overview of all upcoming dates:
21.04.2020 – 23.04.2020 // DMEA Berlin – Connecting Digital Health
23.06.2020 – 25.06.2020 // Altenpflege Leitmesse Hannover
2PCS Solutions GmbH
Unternehmerzentrum 21
6073 Sistrans
+43 512 890016
Firmenbuchnummer: 445483 y
Landesgericht Innsbruck
USt-ID: ATU70204245
Copyright © 2022
2PCS Solutions GmbH